Click the title to view the video or activity.

Title Description Grade Levels Length/ Size
Relative Object Sketch Activity- FAMILY FUN AT HOME 3,4 N/A
Resolviendo Problemas Spanish Video- Students step into the world of a Systems Programmer to assign seats to passengers on a train traveling down the East Coast. 5 9:33
Round Trip Activity- VACATION FUN 6 N/A
Running Time Activity- FAMILY FUN AT HOME 4,5 N/A
Scrambled Digits Solve mental math problems. 3,4 752KB
Sports Stats Activity- FAMILY FUN AT HOME 6 N/A
TEKS and Common Core Alignment, Updated 2016      Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and Common Core correlations for the Math Can Take You Places curriculum (updated August 2016). 3,4,5,6 375KB
Time Slot Use problem solving to create a work schedule for a ballpark concession stand. 3,4,5,6 212KB